Brawl Dolphin Cheats

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Get the latest Super Smash Bros. Brawl cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Wii (Wii). has all you need to win every game you play!

Step 8: On Dolphin Tools Start Netplay, click the Host tab Step 9: Select the game you want to Host, in this case Brawl, then click host. Don't check the Forward port (UPnP) unless you know what you're doing. Step 10: When you click host you will get this screen. At this point you will wait for the other player(s) to join. Plus Dolphin is really laggy and choppy and for some reason the Gecko boot.elf doesn’t work when I put the boot configuration to AxNextFrame, it says it can’t read the Sd Codes and plays Normal Brawl and then I don’t do anything to the configuration and it says it found the Sd codes but it plays Regular Brawl.

Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Wii cheats we have available for Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Easy Way To Unlock People

First go to Special Brawl Put stamia. Then, put your stamia up to 300 and the peson your against put it to 1 or 10 and always pick fox so when you brawl you just need to shot them but this will take a while before you unlock somebody.

Brawl Dolphin Cheats

Easier Zero Suit Samus

Instead of waiting for the Super Smash ball tocome into play, simply press the - button at thesame time you press the + button for the sameeffect right after you choose samus.

Permanent Giant Jigglypuff

Hey out there, all you Jigglypuff lovers. I havea hint for you. Do you like Jigglypuff's finalsmash? I can make it permanent. Ok, when you areat the bridge of Eldin, get the smash ball beforefatso on the pig comes to blow up the part of thebridge. Then when he blows it up, wait for it toregenerate. This requires perfect timing, butwhen you have the smash ball, and the bridge iscomng back,jump to the enpty space and activateit when the part is coming back to makejigglypuff grow, the she will get hurt and theeffects will be permanent unless she is killed.But there are two little drawbacks. First off,she will hardly be able to move quickly, cuttingher speed. And, don't use pound or the forwardsmash attack, otherwise, she will go beyond theboundry and die. well, hope you liked it!

Easy Way To Unlock All Characters

On the main menu click Group then click Rules andselect stock of lives as one then go back andclick Special Brawl and make it so that Staminaand Flower modes are on. Then choose yourcharacter and make its health any number over one.Then make the computer's health one. Then playthe battle. After it starts the computer loses ina second or less and if you keep playing thebattles like that over and over every so oftenyou'll be challenged by a new opponent. Win andhe or she or it is unlocked to play as, if youlose just play another easy battle and you'll bechallenged again. Play for about 500 totalbattles and all bonus characters should challengeyou by then.

How To Get Easy Bannana And Queodon Trophy

First go to training an select kirby the enemy can be random then choose the temple from melee stages pin the foe against the pillar it was near at the begining and use kirby multiple punch go to 10 or 400 (you can also get Queodon trophy).

How To Beat Muti-man Brawl

Choose DK as your charecter and when you get to the muti-man brawls press Down Band Dk should start slapping the ground and they will die easily.

Double Gunner

To attack with double guns, first go to the options and go to the Item Switch. Select only Ray Gun, Super Scope, Cracker Launcher, Crate, and put the Item rate to VERY HIGH. Then select Ice Climbers as your character. Choose a flat stage with no or small inclines, such as Pictochat. As soon as the battle starts, grab two guns. Press the A button rapidly. Nana and Popo will both have guns, and will start firing both of them.

Easier Way To Beat Any Multi-man Brawl Except Cruel Brawl

To defeat any multi-man brawl (except cruel brawl) choose lucario as your character and go to the right edge and hold up+A and he should start kicking.The thing is that when Lucario starts kicking he kicks foward and backward and above him so he will hit anybody who comes in contact.One more thing: be careful not to hit a bomb that comes out of nowhere. They sometimes appear right next to you.

Cool Battle Arena

Go to Vault on the Main Menu and then click onStage Builder. When yo create the stage go downto the bottom to features and use the light blueblock (It may be a different color depending onwhat background you choose but it is definitelynot the brown with an arrow on it.) Place theseblocks in square shape (make it as big as you want)but leave out a hole that is as big as two of theblocks that you have used (You can just make afull square and then delete the 2 middle ones.)That is how to build it but it is not any funwithout doing Special Brawl and turning 300% onand increasing the damage ratio to 2.0 in theoptions. Doing that will make theBrawlers/Fighters bounce like crazy inside thebox/square and the only way they can die is goingthrough the hole that you made at the top!

Floating Hammer

When you get the golden hammer you will be ableto float of the stage by repeatably pressing A. Butif the hammer does not destroy anybody in yourpath then do not attempt it. Its best to try thisat training mode first.

Character To Beat Tabbu With

An easy way to beat Tabbu is surprisingly withpokemon trainer. Any careful player will only getknocked off when Tabbu does his shockwave. Withpokemon trainer make the pokemon trainer call thepokemon into the ball. You have to time itextremely carefully though. When the 3 shockwavespass the pokemon that emerges will be unharmed.This can possibly work for some other of Tabbusattacks as well.

What Those Hammers Are For.


If you've ever been to the challenges page inthe vault and you see something that looks likea hammer in some of the boxes, then you arelooking the only thing in the game where you canget trophies or anything in the challenges areawithout having to do in order to get them. Ifyou get a hammer, then you go to a box thatlooks impossible to open with your skills, thenyou scroll down until you highlight a hammer,press A and go to the impossible box and press Aagain. When the window comes up, make sure youpicked the right one and hit OK. Congrats!You've just learned a secret that saves anenormous amount of time.

Giga Jigglypuff

Go to Bridge of Edin choose Jigglypuff andYoshi. Then use Jigglypuff's FinalSmash when thebridge is coming back together and she will beHUGE. Then use Yoshi's B over and over she willget BIGGER and BIGGER til' she's to big for thestage and dies.

Snake,Fox,Falco,and Wolf Calling Tricks.

With the following characters in the tittle you can make them call other characters in the game. The player has to rapidly press Down Taunt on the correct stage for that character. But bevcarefull if they get hit during this sequence they can't do it again. I'm going to list what stage and character is required. (Easiest with Nunchuck, Classic, and Nintendo game cube controller)
Snake-Shadow Moses Island, the following characters he will call. Conel, Ottocon, Mei Ling, and you wont believe this! SLIPPY from Starfox. If snake dies during the sequence something intresting will happen.
Fox, Falco-Lylat Cruise, and CorneriaWolf-Lylat Cruise only!

Invisible Item

In training mode be captain falcon bring in a final smash break it and use it on your opponentbefore it ends rapidly bring in sand bags until the Special Attack ends you shouldn't see anyitems, (unless you had some out already) now start attacking with any ground close up attackyou will now see the streamers but not the sand bag (and I think it works with box's and barrels too).

Block Links Final Smash

A simple way to block Links final smash is to get a bomb o bomb then keep it in your hand and then let him hit you this might not work but it worked for me 5 times!

Funny Picture Trick

First make a custom stage with the nature background. It needs a long platform. Then go to brawl and pick toon link and fox. On that stage make fox run across the platform and make toon link jump high above him. With Toon Link use his down and A. Pause the game as soon as toon link hits fox. If you timed it right then you should have gotten a photo of a sword going through foxes head and he looks surprised. And toon links face looks really angry.

Final Smash (Sonic)

This is so simple. All you have to do is get the smash ball, and Sonic turns right into the invincible Super Sonic!

How To Unlock Areas

The main way to unlock areas is to use a certain character or battle in a certain place a certain amount of times.for example to unlock the melee stage Big Blue you need to battle on port smith areo drive 15 to 25 times, or to unlock luigi's mansion you have to use luigi 3 times,or to unlock 75k. (kilometers) you use donkey kong 25 to 35 times. Most of the time you will have to use character/or area for quite a while.some areas you unlock just by by unlocking a character such as unlocking pirate ship, to do this you unlock toon can check how to unlock areas on the challenges page in the vault (the ones you haven't unlocked are red).

How To Get Alot Of Trophies And Stickers

The easiest way to get a lot of trophies and stickers is to first get a lot of coins as in over 1000 of them. Then go to vault. Got to trophies and stickers. And in there is the coin launcher. When a set of little targets comes out you need to shoot all of set to get points, this is also how you get stickers. The points are used to give you the 'BLAS AWAY'. When this comes three trophies will come out. Trophies will come out on there own. To collect them you need to shoot them a couple times. When you are done you just press the + button. On that screen you press quit. Don't forget each shot uses a coin.

How To Get Extremely Rare Trophies.

While in the subspace emissary you will sometimes find a trophy stand, if you pick this up you can throw it at one of the regular monsters, this will instantly kill them and they will turn into trophies, you can then take the trophy.This is the only way to get certain rare trophies.

How To Beat Meta Ridley

The easiest way I found to beat Meta Ridley is to go right on the back end of captain falcons ship and hit him when he comes near, be careful this strategy can backfire since you are constantly pushed back by the wind. When mtea ridley flies up into the air suddenly the you must get as high off the ship as possible, trust me you don't want to be on there when he comes down. When meta ridley pules the ship down you hit him quick, if you don't you take a lot of damage. Characters skilled at ranged attacks will probably do well. I suggest having a friend to help you out.

Beating 100 Brawl Easier.

An easier way to defeat 100 Brawl is by using the following characters and moves:
1. Lucario: Up+A - Lucario starts to kick on top, in front, and behind him damaging his opponents.
2. Kirby: Jump+Down B - Jump in the air and turn Kirby into a rock. This will blast away your enemies.
3. Donkey Kong: Down+B - Donkey Kong starts to pound the ground hurting his enemies near him.
4. Mario: Up+B - Mario uses his recovery move the Super Jump Punch blasting any enemy he hits.
5. Pikachu: Down smash attack - Pikachu spins around while using an electric attack. He blasts away any enemy that comes in contact.

Final Smashes For The Best Characters

Mario: Maria Finalle, try to get to the center platform on the stage and face your enemies, and use your Beastly Fireworks.
Zelda: Light Arrow, just grab the target, throw them forward, and when they get up, SHOOT THE ARROW RIGHT AWAY so the target can't avoid it!
Lucario: Aura Blast, Throw a smart bomb at the targets so they can't dodge your blast and, like Zelda, USE THE BLAST RIGHT AWAY FOR MAX DAMAGE!

Awesome Place To Fight

To build this awesome place to fight, first youmake a really, really big U shape with those bluesquares in the bottom category features. Then youput a bunch of those falling red blocks along thewhere the top of the square is. If you make thisright, you make all players inside the square andwhen the red things appear back up all the playersare trapped inside the big square. If you everwant the match to end you might as well make it atimed match when you brawl on it. If youdon't want everyone to continuously die make afloor of any kind a couple spaces under the trap.

Defeat Subspace Emissionary in Subspace

When you get into subspace look at you're map andthere is flashing little dots on you're map whenyou kill enough of the shadow players and thenthere is bigger flashing dots when you see aunexplored door and once you kill all of theshadow players then you vs tabuu. He's not thathard if you're good with sonic if you haveunlocked him already or sumer or people with fastjump up attacks.

Easy All Fighters

Instead of playing 500 brawls toget all the fighters. Just go to solo and choosesub-space and beat it. Every time you get afighter to join your team that you haven'tunlocked and you save and quit you will get thatfighter without even fighting them but it takes awhile so be calm.

Dodge Tabuu's Shock Wave

All you have to do is the side dodge. If you arecareful, you can beat it.

Easy Meteor Smash

Use captain falcons side-b special in mid-air onsome one.

Easy Home Run Contest

Go to the Home Run Contest. Choose the characterIke. when you start the contest move as close tothe sandbag as possible without going through itor hit to the opposite side of the field. Thenhold down A, until Ike automatically swings his swordand a 'explosion' occurs and the sandbag willgo flying.

Change Color Of Character

If you want to change the color of your characterjust press be on your Wii remote or press thecharacter.

Ike's Sword In Mid Air

First play multilayer brawl. One person pick Ikethe other picks anyone. set items to have onlysmart bombs. Use Ike's up special (Either) whenike's sword is in mid air when his about to jumpup and grab it have the second player throw asmart bomb at Ike. If done correctly Ike's swordwill stay in mid air for a few seconds while thesmart bomb goes off.

Allies In Basic Brawl Wi-fi

In the beginning of the brawl, taunt a few times.If they taunt, go over to them and taunt withthem.If they taunt, they will not hurt you andthey will team up with you.

Throw Electrode

Once in a while if you open a pokeball andelectrode comes out sometimes he sparks and giveout. If and when he does, pick him up and throwhim at your opponent.

Cruel Brawl And 15 Minute Brawl In Multiman Brawl

An easy way to kill 10 enemies in Cruel Brawl isto use Pit and fly under the Platform. Do NOTtouch the floor on top. Always cling to the edgeand then let go. And fly to the other side. Andas you do this for about 5 to 7 minutes, slowly,a man will fall off and A KO will be recorded.With The 15minute Brawl u have to fly under theplatform for 15 minutes. Its really boring butthats the only way to do it.

Easy 5000 Coins

Build a stage with spikes at the bottom, then play with a friend and just sit on the spikes and collect coins. Set the time for about 20 minutes.

Homerun Contest

The way you get a far distance in the contest is to beat up the sandbag with any character. Once it starts to count down grab the bat. Move the analog stick on the nunchuck and press A. Make sure you're not to far away from the sandbag and not to close to it.

Easy Way To Get The Ouendan Trophy

Go to training and select Kirby (your opponentdoesn't matter) select the temple under Meleestages pause the game and put opponent (should beon stop) on control then turn help on. then afteryou've done this pin your opponent against thepillar they started beside then hold A untilthe 'consecutive hits' meter hits 400 then KOyour opponent and quit training mode

Easy Characters

To get almost all of the characters very easy justplay the subspace emissary and whenever you see anew playable character that character will beunlocked.

Alloy Similarities

The Alloys have move similarities. Red is CaptainFalcon. Blue is Zelda. Yellow is Mario. And greenis Kirby.

Final Smash Trophies

To get the Final Smash trophies, simply complete All-Star mode on any difficulty with thecharacter you want the trophy for. And believe me, they're cool!

Subspace Emissary

It makes little to no difference who you beat thefinal battle of Subspace Emissary with. But that'snot why I wrote this. If you beat SubspaceEmissary, you will unlock almost everycharacter. Only for a few characters do you haveto unlock by completing special requirements.

Another Co-op Home-run Contest

Other than the one mentioned above, there isanother way that I do Co-op Home-run Contest. Meand my friend got 2 Foxes and used the blaster onSandbag for around seven or eight seconds. Trustme, it WORKS.

Beat Tabuu Easily!

On the last level of subspace, you will have tofight the almighty Tabuu. An easy way to beat himis to pick the characters Sonic and Samus. Alsopick a few others like people with strong jumpattacks.

Co-op Home-run Contest

Get two people and chose sonic and yoshi. Rightwhen it starts sonic runs over there and does upA(on the game cube controller)(the up spin attack)while yoshi runs and gets the bat. Then beforesonic finishes his move. Yoshi needs to use thebicycle kick down on it(which is down A on thegame cube controller). Do this over and over andit will do massive damage. Me and my friend got135% before we even hit it with the bat. Hope thishelps and give me any feed back if you need helpwith it.

Pokemon Trainer Switch

Whenever you use the pokemon trainers pokemon,you will start off with Squirtle, Ivysaur, orCharzard. To alternate these pokemon, simplypress down-B.

We have no cheats or codes for Super Smash Bros. Brawl yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Unlock Wolf Easy

To unlock wolf play 450 brawl matches or go tosolo then go to stadium then go to boss battlesand complete it with Fox and Falco.

Unlock Snake

To unlock Snake, you can play 15 brawls on Shadow Moses Island and beat him, or you can get him in the Subspace Emissary or play 130 brawls.

Unlock All Characters

This is very easy. If you beat Subspace Emissaryyou will unlock all the characters. Wait not allof them. After you complete SE go back to theSwamp and Ruins to unlock two more characters.Good luck!!!


To get the stage 75m play as Donkey Kong inbrawls 25 times.

Character: Wolf

In the Level 'The Ruins' go through the leveluntil your going down a lift and there iscrystals on the walls. when you see the firstdoor DO NOT GO IN THE DOOR. continue down thelift and (even if it disappears) go to the verybottom. there will be a door and wolf will bewaiting inside.

Virtual Console Super Mario World

In the stage Iseki (Ruins) Skip the first dooryou pass when being lowered into the pit. Insteadenter the second door at the bottom or 450 vsmatches.

Unlock Luigi

Beat story with Pikachu and get over 60,000points.

Unlock Toon Link

All you have to do is do classic on hard with 3 lives or you can do normal mode with 2 lives.

Getting Ganondorf

After beating Tabuu and clearing the SubspaceEmissary, go back to 'The Swamp'. After beatingthe giant Diddy Kong, head right until youdiscover a door right after jumping into thebarrel launcher to battle Jigglypuff. If you beather then she becomes playable.

Unlock Wolf

After beating Tabuu and clearing the SubspaceEmissary, go back to 'The Ruins'. During the partwhen you are on a elevator and crystals pop out ofthe walls, near the bottom you will discover afloating door. Enter it to battle Wolf. If youbeat him, then he becomes playable.

Unlock Toon Link

After beating Tabuu and clearing the SubspaceEmissary, go back to 'The Forest' and enter thevery first hovering door to battle Toon Link. Ifyou beat him, then he becomes playable.

Unlock More Custom Stage Parts

Alright, hers how you unlock custom stage parts:To unlock the first set of stage parts, play onfive custom made courses. Part two, make 5 morecustom stages and play on them. Final part,createa total of 15 custom stages. Parts include aferris wheel thingy, spikes, ladders, and eventrampolines!

All Characters

To get all characters just beat the story mode.You will get most characters but about 4 will notbe in the original story. When you beat the gamego back to the marsh to get Toone link. The otheryou will have to find yourself.

Everyone From SSE

Beat Tabuu on any level, go back to The Swamp,The Forest, and The Ruins.

Three Ways To Get Snake Trophy

Beat classic mode with snake. Hit snake trophy in coin launcher. Get brawl coin and throw it at snake in SSE.

Crazy Hand Trophy

Beat classic with 20 characters.

Get The Red Alloy Trophy

To get this trophy defeat 5 alloys in cruel brawl.

Get The Blue Alloy Trophy

To get this trophy complete 100-man brawl withall characters.

Get The Yellow Alloy Throphy

To get this trophy defeat 100 alloys in endlessbrawl.

Get The Green Alloy Trophy

To get these stickers complete All-Star mode onnormal.

Get The Running Chibi-Robo Stickers

To get these stickers complete classic mode oneasy.

Get The Boo Stickers

To get these stickers hit 900ft. in home-runcontests.

Get The Liquid Snake Stickers

To get these stickers defeat 10 alloys in CruelBrawl.

Get The Ryuta Ippongi Stickers

To get these stickers Clear 100-man brawl inunder 3 minutes, 30 seconds.

Get The Big Blue Melee Stage

To get this stage play as Captain Falcon 10 timesin brawls.

Get The Clu Clu Land Song

To get this song hit 1,200ft. in home-runcontests.

Get The Cardboard Box Trophy

To get this trophy complete target smash level 4in 32 seconds.

Get The Palutena's Bow Trophy

To get this trophy complete target smash level 1in 15 seconds.

Jigglypuff In Space Emissary Mode

To unlock Jigglypuff in Space Emissary Mode, play through the level ' The Swamp.' After the fight with the giant false Diddy Kong, continue moving forward until you see a door floating above a platform after you've been launched from a cannon. Swim back to it (jump so you don't drown) and enter the door. A cutscene will show Jigglypuff then you get to fight it. Beat Jigglypuff to have it in Space Emissary Mode.


To get the Mewtwo trophy beat all-star mode onintense.

Event #41

To get #41 just complete the other 40 events onany difficulty.

Luigi's Mansion

To get the stage Luigi's Mansion battle as Luigi3 times in brawl mode.

Unlocking Wolf

Get 250 trophies to play as R.O.B.

Assist Trophy: Isaac

Play a total of 200 matches in Brawl or relatedmodes.

Assist Trophy: Custom Robo

Play a total of 100 matches in Brawl or relatedmodes.

Assist Trophy: Gray Fox

Unlock sonic.

Assist Trophy: Barbara

Play a total of 300 matches in Brawl or relatedmodes.

Pokemon Stadium (Melee)

Play as Kirby in 20 Brawls.

Jungle Japes (Melee)

On the 8th mission in the subspace emersarry 'theforest', Go through the first door you see. Therewill be a opening for Toon Link on his Stage.Fight and beat toon link to unlock him.

Brawl Dolphin Cheats

Classic Stage Big Blue

Unlock Mr. Game and Watch.

3D Hot Rally Title

Play as toon link 10 times.

Virtual Console F-zero

Play the game for ten hours.

Spear Pillar

Complete Event 25: The Aura Is With Me

Edit Parts A

Play ten times or more on stages you built inStage Builder.

Edit Parts B

Build 15 or more stages in Stage Builder.

Green Hill Zone

Complete Event 19: Wario Bros.

R.O.B. (Robot)

Beat classic mode with Ike or 10 vs matches.


Defeat in SSE (Subspace emissary) with Metaknightor complete 5 target tests with any character or100 vs. matches.


Complete classic mode with any character other than Ike or complete event 20 or 350 vs matches.


Clear classic on hard with link or Zelda or play200 vs. matches.


Play 10 matches on Shadow moses island or 130 vsmatches.

Boss Battle Mode

Unlock all the hidden characters.

Unlock Captain Falcon

In under 20 minutes beat Classic mode and thendefeat Captain Falcon in the following match.

Unlock Snake

Finish classic mode with link or 400 vs. matches.


Complete the Subspace Emissary or 300 vs. matches.

Brawl Dolphin Iso

Melee dolphin cheats

Mr. Game & Watch

Beat classic mode with every character or 250 vsmatches.


Play five matches in Brawl and reflect 10 projectiles. Get Ness to join your party in The Subspace Emissary.

Get The Kapp'n Trophy

Get a total of 300 feet or more swim distance asall the characters and go to the Challengesscreen. Go to the open window and take out thetrophy. It should be the Kapp'n trophy. If not,look for another open window with a trophy in it.

Unlock The Stafy Trophy

To get the Stafy Trophy, you just beat the TargetSmash with 10 different characters on level 1 andgo to the Challenges screen. Go to the openwindow and take out the trophy. The trophy is theStafy Trophy.

Unlock Song Frozen Hillside

To unlock the song Frozen Hillside, battle on theHalberd stage 10 times and go to the Challengesscreen. Take out the CD from the open window andyou have Frozen Hillside.

Zero Suit Samus

To unlock zero suit samus, you must get the smashball with regular samus and do her zero laserfinal smash.

Pokemon Trainer

We have no easter eggs for Super Smash Bros. Brawl yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Giant Zelda/Sheik Glitch

I Have Found a Staying Giant Glitch for not only Jigglypuff But for Zelda/Sheik (funny because there both Girls) The Glitch Is when you are a different character than Zelda but 2play needed for Zelda/Sheik. You need a item called the Lightning Bolt Which Shrinks other players. Use it on Zelda But the one that haywires and makes Her Big (twice as effective than Super Mushroom) Then Play Zelda and Transform into Sheik then Back to Zelda and There is the Glitch. Honestly When I first did this, i thought it was HACKED!

Created by: lil Vitin.Read the full guide...

Created by: RMichaelF.Read the full guide...

Created by: TriforceTrev.Read the full guide...

Created by: TriforceTrev.Read the full guide...

Playing a game in Dolphin instead of the GameCube or Wii can make a huge difference in visual quality. With HD output, Dolphin can bring the best out of many stunning titles. But beyond that, an assortment of crazy enhancements, including 3D output, free camera, widescreen hacks, a higher clocked emulated CPU and much more, can absolutely transform titles into new experiences even for veterans after many playthroughs.

Super Mario Sunshine is a beautiful GameCube platformer released in 2002. While its sequels on the Wii, Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 run at a fluid 60 frames per second, Super Mario Sunshine is only a 30 FPS (or 25 in PAL) game.

While an emulator can't do much on its own to increase the framerate of a game, one of our users, ehw, believed that it would be possible to modify the game to run at a higher framerate. Mixed with the enhancements in Dolphin, ehw modified Super Mario Sunshine to run at 60 FPS without doubling the speed of the game!

Super Mario Sunshine @ 60 FPS
Watch in 1080p60 for the best experience!

Super Mario Sunshine's current 60 FPS hack comprises of three (and an optional fourth) part. Firstly, the vbeam speedhack has to be turned on in order to modify the timings of the emulator. It's possible that simply flipping Dolphin's framelimit to run at 120 FPS would be fine, but the emulator stretches audio at non-standard framerates, blocking this possiblity for now. Secondly, a small game patch is applied. This actually makes the gameplay run half speed at 30 FPS. Thirdly, Dolphin's audio timings are modified to run at half speed; so the game also sounds normal at double speed. Lastly, on some versions of the hack, the level select cheat is required to get into certain stages.

Super Mario Sunshine Higher FPS Patches

  • 0x804167B8:dword:0x3F600000 - Slightly slower 60 FPS Patch, but runs perfectly.

  • 0x804167B8:dword:0x3F800000 - even smoother 60 FPS Patch, but breaks things.

  • 0x804167B8:dword:0x40000000 - 120 FPS hack for those with high framerate monitors.

By applying patch into Dolphin's INI and then enabling it, along with the steps above, Super Mario Sunshine will run at 60 FPS. This is the key ingredient that makes it all work. For a more technical, the creator wrote an explanation on the inner workings of the process and final patch.

Depending on the value of the patch, you can get a near perfect 60 FPS hack where the game is completable, or an even smoother variant that breaks certain stage portals. There is also a 120 FPS hack for those with high framerate monitors and T.V.s, but it breaks things just like the smoother variant of the 60 FPS hack. Super Mario Sunshine is an absolute joy to play at 60 FPS, and fans of the game should truly enjoy the work put forth.

On another note, ehw also came up with more hacks for Pikmin 2 and Gauntlet: Dark Legacy. Pikmin 2 is completely playable with just the patch, but some cutscenes seem to play at double speed. Gauntlet Dark Legacy requires setting the framelimit to 120 and setting the CPU Clock Override value to 300 - 400% (!) in order to maintain 60 FPS at all times, and even then some animations are a tiny bit strange due to running at 30 FPS with no interpolation. This makes the game very difficult to run at 60 FPS on all but the most powerful computers. Considering that it was a 15 - 20FPS game on console, the difference here is even greater than the other hacks.

Pikmin 2 @ 60 FPS

Pikmin 1 is even stranger; it requires no game-side patch. Simply enable the vbeam speedhack and tell Dolphin's audio output to make it run at 60 FPS without side effects! There are also a variety of hacks/patches that have existed for Super Smash Bros. Melee and Brawl to make them run at pretty much any framerate without problems, including 30 FPS, 120 FPS and beyond. This is mostly done by using the settings for their slow motion modes, and unfortunately can't be done in other games.

With these four games brought up to 60 FPS, it can only make people wonder if other titles could be brought to 60 FPS in a similar way. Think about all of the seminal titles with huge, sprawling worlds that could be made more beautiful with an even better framerate. Anyone can experiment, dig around and try things as long as they have the game. Do note that reverse engineering chops may be needed for some games more than others.

Hopefully with the potential power of these patches on full display, Dolphin will see more patches and better versions of the existing patches in the future!

For those looking for more information on the patches and how they were made, please checkout the following links.

Super Mario Sunshine -
Pikmin 2 -

Smash Bros Brawl Dolphin Iso

For users wondering about the audio hack. It was this line in SystemTimers.cpp that was modified:

int period = CPU_CORE_CLOCK / (AudioInterface::GetAIDSampleRate() * 4 / 32 * fields);

By adding a multiplier of two at the end (before the semicolon), you'll break audio in almost everything except certain titles running with a 60 FPS patch. This is how audio was fixed in Super Mario Sunshine, for instance.

Dolphin Emulator Cheats


As of 4.0-5432 the vbeam speedhack was removed due to concerns that more 60 FPS patches would rely on broken behavior. In order to promote well made patches (that could in theory work on console even, given enough power) the hack was removed. What does this mean for the featured Super Mario Sunshine and Pikmin 2 hacks? Not all that much. For Super Mario Sunshine, simply setting the framelimiter to 120, and things will continue to work as per normal.

This was a concern that was no expressed until multiple 60 FPS hacks showed up relying on the vbeam speedhack. Developers realized that the (incomplete and broken) vbeam speedhack was not in Dolphin's long term plans, and thus axed it before there was a heavy reliance on it by potential framerate hacks.