Factorio Achievements With Mods


C: Program Files (x86) Steam steamapps common Factorio data base prototypes achievements: I don't think there is documentation on this, but using the locale for the names and descriptions should tell you just about how they work. The steam achievements allow them to figure out how much of the game content players consume before moving on. With mods, the data would be meaningless. The recent changes to oil production are partially a result of the huge drop off of people making achievements post oil start. It sucks to not get them, but they do serve a valueble purpose.

Factorio S21 - A Better Sea Block. Factorio S22 - Angels Mods Tutorials Lets Play. Factorio S33 - 100% Achievements. Aug 14, 2020 Factorio mods have been around almost as long as the game itself – and for good reason. While already an enormous and startlingly polished game, introducing the right mods into the fold will not only expand the game with tonnes of new features to discover and master, but also simultaneously improve the base game experience with dozens of quality of life improvements. Prototype/BuildEntityAchievement build-entity-achievement Prototype/CombatRobotCountAchievement combat-robot-count Prototype/ConstructWithRobotsAchievement construct-with-robots-achievement.

Is there any documentation on how to create achievements anywhere? I wasn't able to find anything on the official lua site or wiki.Achievements
What I'd like to do is create an achievement for crafting a certain item within the first ten minutes of the game. I've got two questions.Achievements

Re-Enable Achievements... - Factorio Forums

One, it seems like this isn't possible as set up currently. I can create an produce-item-achievement with one item, but I can't set a timeout. I can create a build-entity-achievement with a timeout, but the item in question isn't an entity so that doesn't help. Is what I'm trying to do possible? A secondary possibility, is if that won't work, is to unlock the achievement via script. This should be possible, and will work in my scenario as I'm already having the user do something with the item immediately that I'm detecting via script. However, then I don't think I can show the timeout unless I do something like create a build-entity-achievement with a dummy entity, then unlock that via script.See more results

Factoria Achievements With Mods 1.7.10

Second, how do I enable this achievement I've created to work in a scenario that's part of the mod? I'd figure that any achievement for a mod would work in any scenario that mod creates, but that doesn't seem to be the case. The achievement works in freeplay, but I'd like it to work in the scenario I'm creating as well, as I want the scenario to be the 'standard' way to play this particular mod.