Good Morning Dave Wav

Good Idea Tomorrow - wav I Thought I'd Heard It All - wav It's Only Cause You're Lonely - wav EMERSON DRIVE Only God Can Stop Me Loving You - wav DAVE DUDLEY Six Days On The Road - wav JOHNNY DUNCAN Stranger - wav Thinking Of A Rendezvous - wav SARA EVANS Till I Can Make It On My Own - with Martina McBride - wav. Recording of approx. 250 adults talking before a large meeting. You can hear the general 'roar' and occasionally pick out individual voices (but not so much as you can make out what they are saying). All with someone speaking with amplification to get the crowd's attention: 'good morning'. The crowd begins to quiet and someone tentatively claps.

2001: A Space Odyssey &
2010: The Year we make Contact
Movie Sound Bites

Good morning dave wave

This site provides a huge number of downloadable wav files from over 260 Movies.

NOTE: All logos, sounds & artwork retain their original copyright. All files are for provided for research, educational, criticism, or review for purchase purposes.These files were collected from a number of publicly accessible sites on the web that made no mention or assertion of copyright over these files or the collection. These files are provided on this site under fair use purely for your own personal use and enjoyment. Any copyright assertions on these files belong to the original copyright owners. If you are the copyright owner of a file on this website and you object to it being here please contact me with details and I will be happy to remove the file or provide the necessary citation of the original copyright owner. A full disclaimer is available here.

2001: A Space Odyssey & 2010: The Year we make Contact

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'I'm afraid.'

Bob Balaban as Dr. Chandra: 'Whether we are based on carbon or silicon makes no fundamental difference. We should all be treated with appropriate respect.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'Would you like to play a game of chess?'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'The mission has been completed.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000 singing 'Daisy.'

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Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'It is dangerous to remain here.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'You're going to find that rather difficult.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'I know that you and Frank were planning to disconnect me, and I'm afraid that's something I cannot allow to happen.'

William Sylvester as Dr. Heywood Floyd: 'Congratulations on your discovery, which may well prove to be among the most significant in the history of science.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'Thank you for a very enjoyable game.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'I'm sorry, Dave. I don't have enough information.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'Has the mission been completed? You know that I have the greatest enthusiasm for it.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'I really think I'm entitled to an answer to that question.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'I feel much better now... I really do.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'We are all – by any practical definition of the words – foolproof and incapable of error.'

Keir Dullea as Dave Bowman: 'Oh, my God! It's full of stars!'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'All systems are functional.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'Good evening, Dave. Everything's running smoothly.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'This conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'Good morning Dave.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'I am a HAL 9000 computer.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'This sort of thing has cropped up before, and it has always been due to human error.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'Ignition. Full thrust.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'This behavior is inconsistent with logic.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'I know it's a bit silly... Just a moment, just a moment.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'There is a message for you.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'My mind is going... I can feel it.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'Just one moment, please.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'I'm completely operational, and all my circuits are functioning perfectly.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'It's puzzling... I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like this before.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'Are you quite sure?'

Radar sfx we hear when Bowman is retrieving Poole's body.

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'It is nothing serious.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'What is going to happen, Dave?'
Keir Dullea as Dave Bowman: 'Something wonderful.'

Keir Dullea: 'Something's going to happen... Something wonderful.'

Keir Dullea: 'Open the pod bay doors, HAL.'
Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'I think we should stop.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'Stop... Stop... will you? Stop, Dave. Will you stop, Dave? Stop, Dave. I'm afraid.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'Good morning, Dr. Chandra, this is HAL. I'm ready for my first lesson.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'I understand now, Dr. Chandra. Thank you for telling me the truth.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'I can see you're really upset about this.'

Douglas Rain as the HAL 9000: 'Everything is going extremely well.'

Keir Dullea: 'It's all very clear to me now, the whole thing. It's wonderful.'

Sfx heard just before Bowman enters the emergency air lock.

If you need a custom-made sound file,
input 'voice-over services' into the search box below.

Good Morning Vietnam Wav


Good Morning Dave Wav File

Here is a t-shirt design I'm going to submit soon to Threadless. It just happened to fit perfectly for the latest theme over at Illustration Friday.
I remember the first time I saw 2001: Space Odyssey, I thought it was the coolest and creepiest Sci-fi flick I had ever seen. My name is Dave, and every time HAL (the main computer) would say something like, 'Good morning, Dave' or 'I'm sorry, I can't do that, Dave' or 'What are you doing, Dave?', I got a little creeped out.
Years later, I got my first REAL computer, a Mac. I think it was a Centris 610 with a whopping 80 MB hard drive. Yes, that's correct, 80 megabytes! Anyhoo, there was this great, humorous little sound control panel that would let you assign a sound to any computer operation. Well I downloaded a bunch of those 2001: Space Odyssey sound files (ahhh, good old System 7) and assigned them to all kinds of basic computer functions. When I started the computer it would say, 'Good morning, Dave'. When I clicked a wrong key I got, 'I'm sorry, Dave'. When I shut down the computer it said, 'Good-bye, Dave'. There were others.
I thought this was great…at first. Then not only was it annoying, it was really kinda (you guessed it) creepy.