Adobe Premiere Project Manager Unknown Error Occurred

Hi guys,
I hope someone can help me with that. I finished a project yesterday, everything worked fine, no issues at all. But, when I tried to open it today with Premiere, I am getting: an unknown error occurred while opening the project!
I already tried to:
- Use the Auto Save Files - FAIL, all of them (20 or so)
- Use the cloud backup File - FAIL
- I deleted all Plug-Ins and started CC - FAIL
- I tried to open the files on my MacBook - FAIL
- I tried to Import into a new fresh Project - FAIL
It worked fine when I left the computer, this morning it is a mess!
I have the latest CC version, a Mac Pro 6 core. Someone mentioned somewhere to open it on a PC, but I don't have one.
I don't know what to do, maybe someone has an idea? I hope so :-(
ProjectPremiere project manager unknown error

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Adobe Premiere Project Manager Unknown Error OccurredManagerAdobe Premiere Project Manager Unknown Error Occurred

Adobe Premiere Project Manager Unknown Error Occurred. Destination file is in use by Premiere or destination file is in use by Adobe Media Encoder.' An application is using the destination file. For example, the destination file can also be in use as an input file for another operation. If possible, close the. SIGN IN:: SPONSORS:: ADVERTISING:: ABOUT US:: CONTACT US:: FAQ: Adobe Premiere Project Manager Unknown Adobe Premiere Pro Project Manager. Come check it out we hear the most. I switched to Premiere Pro for its ability to edit R3D solutions for issues and troubleshooting. The raw source, significantly increasing my project size. In this video, we show you how we use Project Manager within Adobe Premiere when we have finished a video project and want to consolidate the media and store.

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Issue: On launch, Premiere Pro is blocked by trend micro on Windows 10. Workaround: To fix this issue, do the following: 1. Open trend micro and click Device. In the security settings, click Configure. Click Exception list. From the popup box, go to This PC C: program files Adobe premiere pro 2020 premiere pro. Not a 'sucker or loser:' Vietnam vet's obit rips Trump. Belichick shows rare emotion over loss of mother.